Make custom made shoes with Youtuber 'mood hash_'

Hi, It's Sunnyscopa. Y
Today we want to introduce you a DIY youtuber today.
He is, the Hand of Midas, in decal DIY industry to say the least.

We have a great pleasure to present his videos as we have never had a chance up until now.

He has turned our papers into a masterpiece
with a right design and execution.
Words just don't do justice as to how we are impressed with how they have turned out.

Today we will be introducing Youtuber
'mood hash_'
If you haven't already, please subscribe to his channel.

Mr. mood hash_ (he recently changed his name) makes videos on custom made shoes.

He prints his self-made design and applies using Film-Free Decal Paper Type-B.
We've been told that he came second place in "National DIY competition" in South Korea,
with his 'Nike AirForce 1 Retro' product.

무필름 물전사지 B타입 + Glue W2 를 주로 이용하며, 직접 프린트한 디자인으로 신발 커스텀을 하시는 데요.
지난 번에는 '전국 커스텀 대회'에서 '나이키 에어포스1 레트로' 작품으로 2등 수상 소식을

DIY영상에서 재기발랄한 아이디어로 커스텀된 신발을 확인할 수 있습니다.
커스텀뿐만 아니라 영상 편집 실력 또한 수준급이신 것 같습니다.
현재에도 영상이 계속 업데이트 되고 있으며,
기술이 점점 정교화되고 있는 것 같습니다.

If you are into customized shoes, you will love his videos.

Please check out his videos for more details.



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